Daniela Barzaghi, paper artist, sculpture, poor art, stele, art from recycled materials, zen garden, Italian artist, artist of Milan, archetype sculpture, texture art


Daniela Barzaghi lives and works in Milan. In 1987 she graduated at “Accademia di Belle Arti of Brera” in Milan. In the ‘90s she won several awards dedicated to young artists and exhibited her works in prestigious locations as Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara, Galleria San Fedele and Museo della Permanente in Milan. Her paper works that recall stone and forms of archaeological resonance have been exhibited in Italy and abroad. Since about the years 2000 she devoted herself to didactic and social experiences, organizing art workshops for both young students and adults, while continuing her study and research for simple and expressive materials, like the tangles of thread that become “Inflorescences” or “Nests”. Nature and archetypal human forms are always to be found in the works of Daniela Barzaghi as symbols, evocative signs, caskets and loop-holes that allude at and preserve organic evidences and traces. In 2010 she started the series work in progress of the “Hives” and “Bricks”, small cells that contain elements of Nature and of manwork: these are square or cubic modules that can stand alone or be assembled to form routes or layouts (“Pavements”, “Ora et Labora”). At the same time, on the wave of a yearning for narration, “Graffiti”, a series limited in time, was born: panels in relief where rough paper gathers and wrinkles, suggesting ancient rupestrian stories and recalls perennial human themes like conflict and migration. In 2015, with the triptych “Cum Panis”, Barzaghi participated to the project “Non di Solo Pane” (Not of mere bread), at Expo of Milan. She also participated in several collective exhibitions dedicated to Art Books at Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense in Milan, and in other important locations. Since 2014 she is participating in the project Tornare@Itaca, which includes a series of exhibitions between Northern and Southern Italy. In 2017 she held a personal exhibition called “I confini siamo noi” (We are our own boundaries). Again in 2017 she was awarded the first prize at Triennale della Carta at Charmey (Switzerland). In 2018 she partecipated to Milan Sculpture and in 2019 several works were acquired by Eachway Century Fashion Museum of Shenzhen.. Currently she continues to exhibit both in Italy abroad.
Have written about her : Elena Bianco, Roberto Bolchini, Marina De Stasio, Chiara Gatti, Micaela Ongaretti, Mimma Pasqua, Francesco Tedeschi, Valeria Vaccari
Please see the list of the exhibitions.